Thursday, July 11, 2019

My SinSear Story

Welcome to my blog, The Flow of My Life, or FOML!

Virtually taking you on my life journey, hoping to see how we can ALL relate.
I'm not here to bore you with every detail of my early childhood life. My full intention for my blog is to introduce myself to you, share my story with you, and keep you up to speed with the wild things life loves to throw at me. My GOAL is for you guys to provide me with feedback, and mainly stories of your blessings, battles, and victories.

I was born the 2nd of 3 children (1 brother and 1 sister), in Scranton, Pennsylvania. My childhood was what any 90s baby's childhood should have been. Life was simple, or so I thought. What I didn't know what how hard my parents were struggling to give us that life. We were never rich, but we weren't poor either. We got by! We moved around about 10 times in my 25 years of life, only 3 different schools luckily. The first 2 schools I attended, I was a promising scholar and athlete. Then the whole "product of your environment" would come into play. Fifth grade, I got my first F and stole from the convenient in town daily. Just me and one other friend. We WERE TOXIC. If trouble was to be found, we were the ones who found it. Weed came into play when I hit 13, which started to decline my interest in sports. I loved and still love the game of baseball, was a lights out lefty pitcher, and never even tried out for high school ball. This should have been my first hint of addict taking everything you love. But no, I focused on smoking weed, hanging with pretty girls, and maybe making it to football practice. I was grounded in my house for the entire 7th grade summer for how disobedient I became. I failed that year of 7th grade, and so the downfall continued. Fast forward to 10th grade, I get in a few big screaming matches with school authority, i end up getting booted from the football team after working towards freshman captain for 2 years before that. It sent me off, and I might of told a few teachers to fuck off before mooning my principal and walking out the front door. I never returned to high school.